Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 1 of 63: The Fit Test

I did the Fit Test today and I think the results were pretty pathetic.

Before performing the Fit Test I wasn't feeling all too well, but I wanted to do it anyways. I also didn't eat or follow the suggested meal plan because I haven't had a chance to plan it out well (it requires a ton of planning, don't know why they can't make it simpler.. more about this in a later post).

Fit Test 1
1. Switch Kicks: 88
2. Power Jacks: 31
3. Power Knees: 52
4. Power Jumps: 20
5. Globe Jumps: 5
6. Suicide Jumps: 7
7. Push-up Jacks: 16
8. Low Plank Oblique: 30

By the end of the test I was dizzy and exhausting and dripping in sweat. Man... I am totally out of shape!!!

Here is a youtube video so you get an idea of how tought it is from GetFitReedman (this is not me and I am not trying to infringe any copyrights).

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