Happy New Year! Let 2011 be the year you reach your fitness goals!!
My 2011 NY Fitness resolution
Weight: 170 lbs
Body Fat: 13%
Actually, these are more aligned to the goals I have posted on this blog (I know) but it doesn't hurt to improve upon them and write about it to help visualize. However, I am only going to focus on weight and body fat as I think these 2 are excellent indicators of muscle growth. More weight and less fat means more muscle so that means my muscle would grow from its current status.
I am currently planning to start a 6-8 week bulking process. This will be my first ever and it was taken from the Muscle & Fitness December 2010 issue.
Workout Plan
Originally, it was posted as a 6-day workout but due to my curent schedule I can't work out 6 days a week. Maybe 5 times a week or 4 times. It basically rotates through 3 workouts.
Meal Plan
Muscle & Fitness suggested the following and I adjusted it based on the food I normally eat and my wieght:
Workout Days
20-21 calories per lb of weight. 40% from proteins, 40% from carbs, 20% from fat
Rest Days
16 calories per lb of weight. 40% from proteins, 30% from carbs, 30% from fat
*Note: the total calories are off based on calories from protein, carbs and fat.