Tuesday, September 28, 2010

8-Week Weight Lifting Routine

Cardio Kickboxing doesn't seem like it is going to happen yet due to scheduling problems so I got tired of being inactive and am now starting my 8 week weight lifting program.

One of the main problems I have is being consistent going to the gym. It was a lot easier to do Beachbody Insanity at home because I had no excuse - the gym was right in the garage! However, going to an actual gym is different. Going to the gym means, I need to manage my time better, I might be getting home later, dinner will be much later than normal, so on and so forth.

How can I stay motivated and stick to the 8 week program?
I honestly don't know but I hope writing about it will keep me physched about it :D.

8-Week Workout Program (from www.muscleandstrength.com)

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