Monday, July 26, 2010

NEW Weightlifting Routine

I'll be following this Gym Weightlifting routine by Shaun McEwan and will use free weights whenever possible.

Description of Workout:

The goal of this workout is to build muscle. All rep timings are 2-1-2 unless stated in the notes and all rest times are 1 min between sets and 2 mins between exercises. As always, perform a warmup by doing 5-10 mins cardio followed by stretching and some warmup sets on the first exercise.
Work the Abs on a Monday and/or Friday if desired.

Daily Workout Schedule:

Day 1 - Chest & Biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Smith Machine Press 4 10
Flat Bench Barbell Press 4 10
Chest Dips 3 10
Pec Dec 3 12
Exercise Sets Reps
EZ Bar Curls 3 8-10
Concentration Curls 3 10
Reverse Barbell Curls 3 12
Workout Notes:
Use 3-1-3 timing on Incline Smith Machine Press
Tuesday - Rest Day
Day 2 - Legs & Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps
Squat 5 10
Leg Press 4 10-12
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4 8-10
Seated Calf Raise 3 8-10
Standing Calf Raise 3 12-15
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 8-10
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 10
Rear Delt Machine 3 10
Dumbbell Shrugs 4 10-12
Workout Notes:
Try some deep squats with 3-2 rep timing (use lighter weight) for some variation
Use a drop set on the leg press machine to give the quads a shock
If your gym doesn't have a Rear Delt Machine substitute Reverse Dumbbell Flyes
Use 3-1-3 rep timing on the seated lat raises
Thursday - Rest Day
Day 3 - Back & Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pullups 4 8-12
Lat Pull Downs 4 10
One Arm Dumbbell Row 4 10
T-Bar Rows 4 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Lying Tricep Extension 3 10
Rope Pulldowns 3 12
Reverse Single Arm Extension 3 12
Workout Notes:
3-1-3 rep timing on Lat pulldown machine

Taken from:

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