Sunday, August 22, 2010

Days 10 through 15 of the Cardio Challenge

Miles-to-date: 42.9
Goal: 100 miles 

Day 10: 5.6 miles
Day 11: 2.2 miles
Day 12: 0.5 miles
Day 13: 0.5 miles
Day 14: 2.0 miles
Day 15: 3.0 miles

5 Day total = 13.9

These last few days weren't really great jogging days as you can see. I am not sure I can reach my 100 mile goals anymore as I will be out the following weekend. Unless, I get in 6 miles in per day. :(. so sad...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Days 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the Cardio Challenge

Miles-to-date: 29.0
Goal: 100 miles 

Day 6: I jogged another 5.6 miles on Day 6. I followed the same path I did the previous day and pushed myself to jog 40 minutes, walk 5 minutes and jog another continuous 20 minutes. For cool down, I walked for 10 minutes.

Days 7 & 8: Did no exercise at all! There was minimal walking on the weekend.

Day 9: Today was day number 9. I also jogged my same route but this time I didn't really time myself. I kind of looked at the time after about 5 minutes of jogging and just kept going and going and pushing and pushing. I think probably jogged non-stop for about 50 minutes and walked for 10-15 minutes. In summary, I jogged/walked 5.6 miles again plus another mile I walked during the day running an errand.

Now, I am all tired :(. I should probably be taking my multivitamins daily to make sure I am doing ok in the vitamins department.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Days 3, 4 and 5 of Cardio Challenge

Total miles: 16.8
Goal: 100 miles 

These past few days were super tiring! On Day 3, I only jogged / walked for 2.7 miles. I got home around 530 and had an hour to get ready for dinner so I went out for a short jog. I probably only burned about 100-200 calories which isn't much at all.

On Day 4, I had my weekly outdoor sports activity day. So this is why it was a low mileage day. The league is going to end in mid-September once summer is really over so I won't be able to do many miles on these days until then. But by then my cardio challenge would be over! I got only 2 miles this day probably burning less than 100 calories.

Yesterday was Day 5. I kind of had an idea of what my route would be but I also felt it wasn't long enough so I jogged a little extra. My goal was to do 6 miles of jogging and walking but I wouldn't know until I got home to map it out so I kept going at it as long as possible. I jogged for 30 minutes before I needed a break. I then walked for 10 minutes and jogged for another 30 minutes. I never knew I had it in me! I then cooled down for 5 minutes. So in total I jogged for an hour and walked for 15 minutes - amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was starving by the time I was done so I had a protein shake right after. I checked my miles and I was ecstatic - I completed 5.6 miles! This is now my new bar. By the way, I was jogging pretty slow - probably at 5mph. LOL.

What is the Cardio Challenge?
It is my 3 week period where I focus mainly cardio. More specifically, on walking and jogging as I can track the number of miles done over the 3 week period. The goal? To burn fat!! And I set a numerical goal of 100 miles which is equivalent of about 4.75 miles per day.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Days 1 and 2 of Cardio Challenge

Total miles: 8.5
Goal: 100 miles

A couple of days ago I jogged about 4 miles. However, all that time I thought I had planned my route such that it was 5 miles of jogging. I was totally wrong :(. It was a bummer, because by the end of the jog I felt soooo proud of myself.

Yesterday I followed the same route nearby where I live and added a little more and that made my jog to be 4.5 miles. I definitely need to find a 5 mile route. On my route, there is a sandy track. I jogged there for a bit but I just can't stand the dust (if there is wind), so I won't be going there anymore.

How do I keep myself motivated?
To be honest, I used to hate jogging. I jogged at the treadmill and I used to quit after 20 minutes. Tip #1: go jog outside if the weather is nice. By jogging outside, you will jog at your more "natural" pace and you will be a lot more distracted by people you see, trees, cars and even the change in sidewalk!

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Workout Routine! Cardio Challenge

After last nights workout I decided I need to focus on ONE goal at a time. I feel like I don't have enough time to complete anything with good results.

For example, a couple of months ago I tried doing weight lifting and cardio - Did NOT work. This month I tried doing cardio, insanity and weightlifting - it is NOT working. I am only fooling myself by making a workout plan that is this challenging.

I have decided for the rest of August I will start up my own CARDIO CHALLENGE. Now that I have completed 1 cycle of Insanity, I feel I can run more. So what I am goign to do is dedicate the month of August to Jogging and cutting some fat (my goal is of 6-9% body fat).

Also this morning I got up and measured my waist. It is down to 33 inches. It was only last week that it was measuring 33.5 inches!!! yahoo!

NEW GOAL: Jog 30 miles a week

Gym Day: Back and Tricep

Today I went to the gym fairly motivated. I did a half-mile jog as a warm up and later hit the weights. I must say I am really liking this new weight lifting workout especially the wide grip pull-ups. Every time I do pull-ups I feel great. Why? Because I can feel a lot of muscles working together to make it happen.

After my weight lifting, I went back to the treadmill and did a little bit of jogging. However, I didn't last long. I jogged for about .25 miles and I was feeling tired so I walked a bit and then jogged a little more until I reached another mile.

Why am I jogging after weight lifting? I don't remember, but I think I watched a youtube clip from Vince Del Monte saying to burn more fat you should jog right after your gym workout.

However, for me, this type of workout is too challenging. I hate to say this, but I am going to change my workout. Read my next post!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 5: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

It has been a number of days since I did an Insanity workout but that doesn't mean I haven't been working out at all. Let's see, on Thursday and Friday I did cardio but that was just jogging. I jogged/walked about 5 miles a day burning about 700 calories each day. That is not too bad - that is about the amount of calories I burn with Insanity too so it is a good substitute. On the weekend I took a break. Then on Monday I went weight lifting (my first day and I am still sore today).

Yesterday was the day. I started working on the Plyo Cardio Circuit from Insanity. I was able to do the first round and a half of Insanity without a problem but I was not focused at all. After 20 minutes I decided to go jogging instead. It was a great idea. I ended up jogging / walking about 3.5 miles and I think I probably burned just as much as doing the full Insanity workout.

So far I think Insanity has changed my life. I can jog longer for sure and I feel more fit. I am going to continue mixing it up but the basics to my workout these next 60 days is basically working out 5-6 times a week, having a mix of Insanity, jogging, and weight lifting. Hopefully this works out.