Monday, August 16, 2010

Days 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the Cardio Challenge

Miles-to-date: 29.0
Goal: 100 miles 

Day 6: I jogged another 5.6 miles on Day 6. I followed the same path I did the previous day and pushed myself to jog 40 minutes, walk 5 minutes and jog another continuous 20 minutes. For cool down, I walked for 10 minutes.

Days 7 & 8: Did no exercise at all! There was minimal walking on the weekend.

Day 9: Today was day number 9. I also jogged my same route but this time I didn't really time myself. I kind of looked at the time after about 5 minutes of jogging and just kept going and going and pushing and pushing. I think probably jogged non-stop for about 50 minutes and walked for 10-15 minutes. In summary, I jogged/walked 5.6 miles again plus another mile I walked during the day running an errand.

Now, I am all tired :(. I should probably be taking my multivitamins daily to make sure I am doing ok in the vitamins department.

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