Friday, August 6, 2010

Gym Day: Back and Tricep

Today I went to the gym fairly motivated. I did a half-mile jog as a warm up and later hit the weights. I must say I am really liking this new weight lifting workout especially the wide grip pull-ups. Every time I do pull-ups I feel great. Why? Because I can feel a lot of muscles working together to make it happen.

After my weight lifting, I went back to the treadmill and did a little bit of jogging. However, I didn't last long. I jogged for about .25 miles and I was feeling tired so I walked a bit and then jogged a little more until I reached another mile.

Why am I jogging after weight lifting? I don't remember, but I think I watched a youtube clip from Vince Del Monte saying to burn more fat you should jog right after your gym workout.

However, for me, this type of workout is too challenging. I hate to say this, but I am going to change my workout. Read my next post!

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