Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Back on track

I took a 2 week break (although my original plan was only to take 1) but I have started back on my 4-day/week gym routine this past Monday.

I'll start writing again now that I am back into the workout mode.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 5 (post Insanity): Shoulders and Triceps

According to Troy's 4-day Split workout this routine was meant for Saturday. However, I like to do cardio / outdoor activities on the weekend instead of spending my time at the gym so I swapped it with Friday.

By far, this is my 2nd favorite workout routine with chest/bicep being my favorite so far. It is not challenging as there are only 3 exercises per muscle groups - the standard. Even if you push yourself on every set, you won't feet overly exhausted. I certainly do hope that I am still building muscle and am not doing a workout that is too easy for me. I'll re-evaluate after working out for a month.

Overall, my body is pretty sore. My biceps are sore probably because I worked my back yesterday. My hamstrings and calves are also sore. My chests have pretty much recovered.

I am also drinking my protein shakes religiously - not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing. There haven't been any dramatic results either as I have only started my workout routine on Monday - 1 week down!


Saturday - Shoulders and Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Press 2 Warmup
Military Press 3 8
Front Raise 3 8
Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Cable Pushdowns ("V" Bar) 3 8
Close-Grip Bench Presses 3 8
Overhead Dumbbell Extensions 3 8   

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 4 (post Insanity): Back

Today's workout was relatively simple. It only focused on the back so the entire workout routine (including warmup) only lasted for about 45 minutes. It is nice to be able to go into the gym get a good workout and come out in such a short period of time.

As for the warmup, I went ahead and did 15 reps to get my muscles going. Out of these exercises, the barbell row as always been my favorite. It really works the back and also the biceps. I think the back being one of the bigger muscle groups, is a hard part of the body to work out. It is highly dependent on the strength of your arms as well.

However, the back is one of the most important muscle groups to workout because it helps your posture on all other weightlifting moves.

Thursday - Back
Exercise Sets Reps
Pullups 2 Warmup
Barbell Row 3 8
Seated Row 3 8
One-Arm Dumbbell Row 3 8
Deadlifts 3 6

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

1750-2000 Calorie Menu

Now that I am in my weight lifting phase I probably won't be burning as many calories but I definitely need to make sure I have enough calories and enough protein for my muscles. This is the menu I will be following for the next 8-12 weeks. As you can see there isn't much of a difference between the old one. However, I am adding casein protein in the mornings and in the late evening (right before going to bed).

Meal 2 is also optional for me (that is about 300 calories off) but there are times when I just prefer eating a smaller snack maybe 100-200 calorie like a couple of eggs as they feel a little lighter. Sometimes I will save the yogurt for my 4pm snack.

It is important not to increase your caloric intake or decrease it drastically (ie. a difference of 500 calories). If you do calorie adjustments in your meals do it by increasing or decreasing it by 200-300 every time and run with it for 3-4 weeks and then re-ass it. Don't make my mistake where I just overate and gained weight during my Insanity workout.

Meal 1: 730am and 900am
- 1 scoop casein protein (120 cal, 1g fat, 3g carb, 24g protein)
- 1 cup of fat free milk (90 cal, 0g fat, 13g carb, 9g protein)
- 1/2 cup of dry oatmeal with water (150 cal, 3g fat, 27g carb, 5g protein)
Totals: 360 cal, 4g fat, 43g carb, 38g protein

Meal 2: 10am
(or 200 cal snack) - optional
- 1 cup (8oz) of fat free yogurt (110 cal, 0 fat, 17g carb, 9g protein)
- 2 table spoons of craisins (130 cal, 0 fat, 33 carb, 0 protein)
- 2 table spoons of almonds (82 cal, 7.2g fat, 3g carb, 3g protein)
Totals: 322 cal, 7.2g fat, 53g carb, 11g protein

Meal 3: 12pm

3 oz of ground beef (85%)(230 cal, 15.1g fat, 0g carb, 21.9g protein)
2/3 cup cooked brown rice (145 cal, 1.1g fat, 30g carb, 3.3g protein)
1 cup cooked vegetables (50 cal)
Totals: 425 cal, 16.2g fat, 30g carb, 25.2g protein

Meal 4: 4pm (100-200 cal snack) - NOT optional, important to fuel your workout
- Low Sodium Cottage Cheese (80 cal, 1.5g fat, 4g carb, 14g protein)
- 1 wheat bread (100 cal, 1g fat, 18g carb, 4g protein)
Totals: 180 cal, 2.5g fat, 24g carb, 18g protein

Meal 5 (post-workout): 630pm
- 1 scoop whey protein (120 cal, 1g fat, 3g carb, 24g protein)
- 1 cup of fat free milk (90 cal, 0g fat, 13g carb, 9g protein)
Totals: 210 cal, 1g fat, 16g carb, 33 g protein

Meal 6: 8pm
- 3oz of chicken breast (128 cal, 0 fat, 0 carb, 24g protein)
- 3/4 cup of wheat pasta (190 cal, 1 fat, 33 carb, 8 protein)
1 cup cooked vegetables (50 cal)
Totals: 368 cal, 1g fat, 33g carb, 32g protein

Meal 7: 11pm
- 1 scoop casein protein (120 cal, 1g fat, 3g carb, 24g protein)
- 1 cup of fat free milk (90 cal, 0g fat, 13g carb, 9g protein)
Totals: 210 cal, 1g fat, 16g carb, 33 g protein

Day 2 (post Insanity): Legs

I worked on my legs yesterday - my least favorite workout routine.  It was actually not too bad at the beginning. Usually the first time I do the workouts I try to figure out what is the correct weight to use so if a set feels too easy, increase the weight and finish the set off.

I did come across one problem. At my small gym, the one station where I could do the squats was being hogged by this idiot who would do a set for 30 seconds and take 2 minutes break. He was there while I did my leg presses, leg extension and calf raises - so I got annoyed, impatient and left without doing my squats - just the excuse I needed.

Today I feel sore - in fact, my entire body feels sore including the muscles I worked out on Monday. My body is adjusting. Let's hope for good results

Tuesday - Legs
Exercise Sets Reps
Stiff-Leg Deadlifts 3 8
One-Leg Leg Curls 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 3 10
Leg Presses 3 8
Leg Extension 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Standing Calf Raise 4 15,12,10,8 (with a 20 lb dumbell)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 1 (post Insanity): Chest/Bicep

For those of you just reading this blog, I am taking a 8-12 weeks off Insanity (as I have completed it) and mixing in some weight lifting for toning and building muscles.

My first day of being at the gym after been away for so long wasn't too bad. the workout was very doable. I actually finished it in 45 minutes. The chest workout didn't seem to be too hard - which means I should be adding weights. The bicep workout was good. My biceps were really pushing at the last 2 reps. Here is the summary, I also jotted down how much weight I lifted on each.

The weights actually seem pretty low and wimpy but oh well. Hopefully there will be improvements after 60 days.

Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Presses (2 x warmup sets) 2 15
Bar bell Bench Presses (45lbs on each side) 3 8
Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses (40 lbs each side) 3 8
Incline Flys (30 lbs each side) 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Curls (just the bar) 3 8
Dumbbell Curls (20 lbs) 3 8
Concentration Curls (15 lbs) 3 8

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Weight Lifting Plan

I tried looking online for muscle building workout plans that are for 8-12 weeks. So I jumped on to the web and landed on MuscleAndStrength.com and bodybuilding.com which have a ton of different workout routines submitted by users (I think).

They all looked pretty similar for Intermediate weight lifters and 3 to 4 day workouts. I skimmed through a lot of them and came to do liking this one http://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/7-intermediate-4-day-split-workout.html. Mostly because it seems easy enough for me to complete, but definitely still a challenge with those reps. The exercises were those I could easily do at my small gym and they were also familiar. Another challenge would be doing the exercises 4 times a week.

Here is a summary (and you can see the details from the link above but in a different order):

Mondays: Chest/Biceps
Tuesdays: Legs
Wednesdays: Personal outdoor activity / Cardio
Thursdays: Shoulders/Triceps
Fridays: Back
Saturdays: Cardio
Sundays: Off

On Cardio days I plan to do Insanity - Basically start with Day 2 and go forward. Of course, I won't be including the fit tests and recovery workouts.

We'll see how this goes.

What's Next?

Now that I have finished the Beachbody Insanity program (1) and have taken 2 weeks off from working out, I decided to start planning my next phase.

Beachbody Insanity was only the beginning of my journey to obtaining a better body and for the next year I plan to do a rotation between Insanity and weightlifting. This is my own plan but it should work as long as I keep my focus and don't get sidetracked too often.

1) 60 days of Beachbody Insanity (Round 1) - Check
2) 60 days of Weight Lifting - Next

I will be eating in the same manner as have been. I'll post a detailed version soon.

Weight Lifting?
It is important to keep your workouts varied and doing Insanity after Insanity would be impossible. Towards the end of Insanity I was definitely worn out and tired of doing cardio. Also, I am looking to tone up and pack a little bit of muscle so weight lifting will do the magic. At the same time, your body burns more fat with muscle - another plus!