Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 5 (post Insanity): Shoulders and Triceps

According to Troy's 4-day Split workout this routine was meant for Saturday. However, I like to do cardio / outdoor activities on the weekend instead of spending my time at the gym so I swapped it with Friday.

By far, this is my 2nd favorite workout routine with chest/bicep being my favorite so far. It is not challenging as there are only 3 exercises per muscle groups - the standard. Even if you push yourself on every set, you won't feet overly exhausted. I certainly do hope that I am still building muscle and am not doing a workout that is too easy for me. I'll re-evaluate after working out for a month.

Overall, my body is pretty sore. My biceps are sore probably because I worked my back yesterday. My hamstrings and calves are also sore. My chests have pretty much recovered.

I am also drinking my protein shakes religiously - not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing. There haven't been any dramatic results either as I have only started my workout routine on Monday - 1 week down!

Saturday - Shoulders and Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Press 2 Warmup
Military Press 3 8
Front Raise 3 8
Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Cable Pushdowns ("V" Bar) 3 8
Close-Grip Bench Presses 3 8
Overhead Dumbbell Extensions 3 8   

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