Sunday, May 2, 2010

Weight Lifting Plan

I tried looking online for muscle building workout plans that are for 8-12 weeks. So I jumped on to the web and landed on and which have a ton of different workout routines submitted by users (I think).

They all looked pretty similar for Intermediate weight lifters and 3 to 4 day workouts. I skimmed through a lot of them and came to do liking this one Mostly because it seems easy enough for me to complete, but definitely still a challenge with those reps. The exercises were those I could easily do at my small gym and they were also familiar. Another challenge would be doing the exercises 4 times a week.

Here is a summary (and you can see the details from the link above but in a different order):

Mondays: Chest/Biceps
Tuesdays: Legs
Wednesdays: Personal outdoor activity / Cardio
Thursdays: Shoulders/Triceps
Fridays: Back
Saturdays: Cardio
Sundays: Off

On Cardio days I plan to do Insanity - Basically start with Day 2 and go forward. Of course, I won't be including the fit tests and recovery workouts.

We'll see how this goes.

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