Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 1 (post Insanity): Chest/Bicep

For those of you just reading this blog, I am taking a 8-12 weeks off Insanity (as I have completed it) and mixing in some weight lifting for toning and building muscles.

My first day of being at the gym after been away for so long wasn't too bad. the workout was very doable. I actually finished it in 45 minutes. The chest workout didn't seem to be too hard - which means I should be adding weights. The bicep workout was good. My biceps were really pushing at the last 2 reps. Here is the summary, I also jotted down how much weight I lifted on each.

The weights actually seem pretty low and wimpy but oh well. Hopefully there will be improvements after 60 days.

Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Presses (2 x warmup sets) 2 15
Bar bell Bench Presses (45lbs on each side) 3 8
Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses (40 lbs each side) 3 8
Incline Flys (30 lbs each side) 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Curls (just the bar) 3 8
Dumbbell Curls (20 lbs) 3 8
Concentration Curls (15 lbs) 3 8

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