Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 1 - HIIT

Even though I did my HIIT training last week, I forgot to write about it.

So this time around I only did 5 intervals of HIIT instead of 6 like last time. Why? Because it was a Friday and that is when I get lazy. I know, it is no excuse but I am a weak human :D.

Overall I did burn about 250-300 calories which is not bad at all for a 30 minute workout. The best thing is also I am not exhausted like I normally would be from doing a 1 hour run at a slow pace. Also, my legs are as tired, my muscles aren't as tight and I don't have to worry about being bored after running 30 minutes.

My HIIT Workout
5 minutes warmup

9.5 mph for 1 minute followed by 3.5 mph for 3 minutes
repeat 4 more times

5 minute cooldown

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