Saturday, June 19, 2010

Days 9-12 (post Insanity)

I totally forgot to update my blog entries regarding my workouts.

Day 9: Legs
Day10: Outdoor / Light cardio
Day 11: Back
Day 12: Shoulders and Triceps

These days have been great. As of now I still feel some muscle soreness from Day 9's workout which really means I pushed it. For all of my sets, I increased it to 4 from 3 for at least 50% of the exercises. It actually isn't that bad since I am pushing myself more.

After today's workout I took a look at myself at the mirror and I was totally pumped! Ofcourse, that was because it was right after my workout but I do think my body is changing. Being strict with the eating regime and workout is pretty hard but I WILL do it for at least another 6 weeks.

I have 2 more weeks and then I will be taking a week off and then continuing on for 4 more weeks.

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