Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 60 & 61 of 63

I kind of forgot to write about my workout yesterday so I am clubbing it with today's. There isn't much to write about but I do have pictures :D.

Day 60: Max Interval Sports Training
Workout Time: 55 minutes
Calories Burned: 654

I had an excellent Day 60 workout. I was definitely bringing it and was super pumped. It is probably the most calories I burned with Max Interval Sports Training. I just realized my favorite section is the track & field segment when you are doing those slow jogs and sprints - it just really works your heart and abs!!!!

Day 61: Max Interval Plyo
Workout Time: 57 minutes
Calories Burned: 671

Today was definitely not as fun as yesterday. I was kind of dragging myself through this workout but I made it through in the end. The problem with this workout is that it is just very intense on the quads and that is just such a big muscle group that it tires you down easily.

Review found on Youtube.com

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