Friday, April 16, 2010

Final Results

The results are in - look to the left of the page.

Overall I lost 2.5 inches off my waist! I don't know how much weight I lost but I think it should be at least 3 lbs.

Great progress. I'll write a formal review about the workout later. Right now, I need a break from insanity

Day 63! Fit Test #5 - Before & After Pictures

Workout Time: 25 minutes
Calories Burned: 288

Yahoo!!!!!!!!! Finally, I have graduated from BeachBody Insanity! This is the first Beachbody program I actually completed. In the past I tried P90x but it was just too complicated and I didn't want to buy any of their equipment.

Back to my fit test. Today was my Day 63 - my last day of Insanity. I gave 110% during this fit test because it was kind of like the achievement milestone and I wanted to make sure they looked good. For motivation I used my previous numbers - this really was a good motivation as it helped me push myself harder.

Fit Test Results:
1. Switch Kicks:   88  105  117  120  130     (beat Chris and Tania)
2. Power Jacks:   31  57  60  60  64
3. Power Knees:   52  58  80  80  88             (beat Chris)
4. Power Jumps:   20  21  35  40  50            (beat Chris, tied Tania)
5. Globe Jumps:   5   8  10  8  10
6. Suicide Jumps:   7   14  11  17  18
7. Push-up Jacks:   16  22  24  31  37          (beat Tania)
8. Low Plank Oblique:   30  36  44  50  55 (beat Chris)

It's amazing! I even beat Chris and Tania on half of these moves! I will definitely keep these numbers and will beat them on my 2nd round of Beachbody Insanity.

Before & After
Day 0:
Day 11 (with weight increase due to overeating):

Day 63:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 62 of 63: Cardio Abs

Workout Time: 15 minutes
Calories Burned: 185

I actually did this workout today right after my fit test but I wanted to dedicate one full posting for my fit test :D. So when I did this workout I was already tired from the fit test as I gave it 110% since it was my last fit test.

Overall, I think this is a very good ab workout and I will definitely keep this workout in my next routine. I really like the last set of moves. It is funny, but they really work your abs and shoulders!

Here is a youtube clip from GetFitReedman.

Day 62 of 63: Max Cardio Conditioning

Workout Time: 46 minutes
Calories Burned: 6xx

I can't remember off the top of my head how many calories I burned today. Today was definitely one of my worst workout days as I did not have enough sleep last night - all week actually. It just has really been busy at work and I have even been working at home at least 2 hours a night. But, it will be over soon, projects will be delivered soon.

I guess Beachbody Insanity will be over soon too. Well, not really - the first round of insanity is over.

Tomorrow is going to be my fit test and my Cardio Abs as I did not do that today. After that I will take a week off and start of again with a new workout program that integrates weight training and cardio. I post that and my diet as well once I figure it out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 60 & 61 of 63

I kind of forgot to write about my workout yesterday so I am clubbing it with today's. There isn't much to write about but I do have pictures :D.

Day 60: Max Interval Sports Training
Workout Time: 55 minutes
Calories Burned: 654

I had an excellent Day 60 workout. I was definitely bringing it and was super pumped. It is probably the most calories I burned with Max Interval Sports Training. I just realized my favorite section is the track & field segment when you are doing those slow jogs and sprints - it just really works your heart and abs!!!!

Day 61: Max Interval Plyo
Workout Time: 57 minutes
Calories Burned: 671

Today was definitely not as fun as yesterday. I was kind of dragging myself through this workout but I made it through in the end. The problem with this workout is that it is just very intense on the quads and that is just such a big muscle group that it tires you down easily.

Review found on

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 59 of 63: Max Interval Circuit

Workout Time: 60 minutes
Calories Burned: 701

Wow! I am back after another break from Insanity. This time around I took an unplanned 4 day break. Originally I was planning to take 1 day off because it has been pretty busy around here but the end I was just exhausted and took 4 days off instead.

Today I decided to jump back right where I left off and continued with the Max Interval Circuit. I was still out of breath as usual and I didn't really see any degradation in performance. It is important to keep focused during the workout and stop thinking about "How much longer is the workout?"

4 more workouts to go!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 58 of 63: Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs

Workout Time: 65 minutes
Calories Burned: 756

Today's workout was good. The Max Cardio Conditioning working is slightly different than the other 2 workouts in Phase 2. It really does focus more on "Conditioning" as it does workout the quads more and it tries to work on strengthening. It is also probably less cardio intensive than the other workouts. My weak spot are my quads so I don't quit like this workout :P

I also decided to do the Cardio Abs instead of Insane Abs due to time constraints - I didn't want to spend an hour an a half workout out. Insane abs runs about 30-35 minutes while Cardio Abs runs about 15 minutes. Even though Cardio Abs is 15 minutes shorter, I actually felt like I did a pretty good workout because I was able to keep up with this video more than I could with Insane Abs. So my tip to you is, don't try Insane Abs unless you feel Cardio Abs is starting to feel easy.

Here is a clip from Jason Croxford doing Cardio Abs

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 57 of 63: Max Interval Plyo

Workout Time: 59 minutes
Calories Burned: 704

I took another day off yesterday :S. That is just lazy!!! I blame the weather, but actually there is no one to blame but myself.

Today's workout went a few minutes over the regular 55 minutes because I had to take a few minutes of a forced break But overall I had a good workout. I rested well, I was pumped and motivated.

6 more workouts!

Also, I will be taking Wednesday off for some sports activity. So I will be off, but not totally off :D.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 55 of 63: Max Interval Sports Training

Workout Time: 55 minutes
Calories Burned: 608

Today's workout was great. I can tell you, a good night sleep the night before does wonders to your workout. It makes it feel good and satisfying and you are not thinking about quitting halfway through the workout. Sleep well and you will workout well.

Once again, the best thing about htis workout is the variety of exercises. They are not as intense as the other workouts and you get 1 or 2 minutes break in between sets.

I'll probably keep this workout in my Post Insanity workout (still to be planned).

Here are a couple of my post workout pictures. I'll use thse later to show the progress, if any throughout the weeks of Insanity.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 54 of 63: Max Interval Circuit

Workout Time: 60 minutes
Calories Burned: 700

After a 2 day break from Beachbody Insanity I finally decided to get back to the workout routine. I skipped Max Recovery and jumped right back to the next workout which was Max Interval Training - the tough one.

As you can see from the calories burned today, I did not work out as hard as in my previous workouts. I have also noticed my hear rate does not go as high as before. Which means I am really started to get lazy and taking breaks even when my heart doesn't say it needs one.

A few minutes ago I noticed there was a weird bump on my elbows funny bone. It definitely does not look normal at all. I think i might have twisted a nerve doing the side suicide drills. Hopefully it will look better tomorrow.

10 more days to GO!!!

Day 53 of 63: Max Recovery

I skipped the Max Recovery and instead took 2 days off Insanity :D. I just felt like i had enough and was exhausted.:(