Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 37 of 63: Max Interval Plyo

Workout Time: 60 minutes
Calories Burned: 712

Today I actually went through the entire workout and didn't quit halfway through like yesterday. This is my first Max Interval Plyo workout and I think it was great!

It starts off with a 10 minute warm-up just like yesterday's workout. It is composed of various different moves we learned throughout Phase 1 and it does get your body pretty warmed-up. I would say it is not as intensive as our Phase 1 warm-up.

It then continues with 3 sets of interval training followed by a few other different sets. I can't recall of off them but the hardest was definitely towards the end. Don't remember what it is called but it was some what of a push-up with balancing at the end with 1 and and 1 foot - I could barely keep my balance for 1 second.

Overall I rate this workout as 5/5 for high intensity and for being exiting. Going into Phase 2 I am glad that Shaun T has mixed things up to keep the motivation going.

On the downside, the workouts are now almost an hour long. On the brightside, you get to burn about 40% more calories. Look at my results, I burned 712 calories in 1 hour. My body feels exhausted and my muscles are really tired, but I feel good to have burned that many calories.

Remember to hydrate now that the workout level of intensity are much higher.

Here is a clip of the workout from Jason Croxford:

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