Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 43 of 63: Max Cardio Conditioning

Workout Time: 48 minutes
Calories Burned: 560

Today I didn't burn as much as I did a couple days ago doing the same workout but oh well. That is how things go. 560 calories isn't bad at all.

So far I am still having problems completing the full 10 minute warmup. I can almost complete the first set but once we start doing that hand stand twist move my thighs give out. I tracked my hear rate and it seems as though it doesn't go up as high as before. The maximum it reached today was 88% MHR but I know why. It is because I have to take breaks because my legs can't stand the workouts. Yeah, it is very thigh intensive.

Regardless, I am not giving up. I only have 3 more weeks to go and I can't wait to do a before and after picture and compare my gains (or loss in this case :D).

Youtube clip from Betterlife90. I like it at the end when he says, "This is what hard work looks like" because that is exactly what I feel at the end of all Insanity workouts.

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